Rifle: How to Get Started
Please carefully read the section below that applies to you.
To shoot with Alpine (and receive safety and correct handling instruction), you will need to:
When you come to the range, please be sure to bring:
The NSW Firearms Registry provides detailed information about applying for a licence and acquiring a firearm. The steps are as follows:
- Ask the Registry to mail you a firearms (rifle) licence application form here.
- Complete at least two supervised Try Shooting sessions (on two separate Saturdays) and pass a mandatory test. The test can be booked at the Alpine Armoury website. It is a closed-book test based on the NSW Police Firearms Users Guide. The Guide outlines what you need to know and gives sample questions and answers.
- Become an Associate Member or a Full Member of Alpine. For details and to pay, visit the Alpine Armoury Memberships page.
- Send to the Firearms Registry the completed application form and the signed certificate stating that you’ve done your supervised Try Shooting sessions, passed the test, and joined the Club.
- Wait a few weeks for the Registry to give you the results of your application.
NOTE: Alpine also conducts Game Council R Licence testing. Ask about this on the range.
Pistol target shooting is a separate licence category (H). See the Pistol page for details.
You are welcome to join us an Associate Member or a Full Member. For details, see alpinearmoury.com. You must bring your licence every time you come to the range.
You are welcome to shoot with us on the same terms as for NSW licence holders. If you have moved to NSW or are planning to move soon, you should apply as soon as possible for a NSW licence. Some steps in the application process may be waived if you have an interstate licence—contact the NSW Firearms Registry for more information.
How to Join Alpine

Visit alpinearmoury.com, where you’ll find full details of our three membership categories, links to the necessary forms, and payment buttons.
Alpine Precision Rifle Club is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee.
Before being accepted as an Associate or Full Member, you must attend at least two shoots with our Club and either hold a NSW firearms licence or apply for one. Associate Members please note: You need to tell us which club is your reporting club (if it is not Alpine) and demonstrate that you are fulfilling the attendance requirements for retaining your firearms licence.
Range of Benefits
Full Members enjoy a wide range of benefits in addition to participation in our shooting activities. As well as having defined voting rights in a public company limited by guarantee, they
- can attend up to five shooting sessions on a single Saturday for one $35 fee (which includes range usage fee and lunch)
- can purchase discount attendance vouchers
- are fully insured
- have exclusive access to the Alpine Armoury
- have discount access 7 days a week to the indoor range at SISC, Cecil Park, andPrivate Firearms Instructio
- receive our emailed weekly newsletter, with updates on all Club activities
The best thing about Alpine is that we do everything possible to cater for the needs of all our members and we have a single agenda: the promotion of all forms of shooting activity and the development of marksmanship skill.
Shoot Safe, Shoot Smart
Like most sports, target shooting has rules. The most important ones concern safety. The basic safety rules are listed in the sidebar; more details and our Club rules are here.
All shooters should carefully read the NSW Police Firearms Users Guide, with special attention to Chapters 3 and 9 on Safety and Responsibilities. They should also download and read the Range Users Guide and the Guide to Ammunition Safe Storage, Purchase and Possession, both from the NSW Firearms Registry.
Competitive shooters should also be familiar with the NRAA’s Standard Shooting Rules, downloadable here.
Target shooting is a big tent, with something for everyone. Stay safe and happy shooting!