How to Find Alpine
All forms related to Alpine hunts and competitions, Firearms Registry requirements, etc.,can be downloaded from the sidebar at right. Details of upcoming matches are available on the Calender page; download the latest club ⇒NEWSLETTER⇐ (updated weekly). To join our distribution list, simply click the subscribe button or send us an email with “Alpine newsletter please” in the subject header.
Alpine Precision Rifle Club is the parent company of Alpine Hunting and Target Shooting Club. It is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee with ASIC.
Contact info
Alpine Hunting & Target Shooting Club
251W Franklin St, Malabar
New South Wales – 2036
Mailing Address
PO Box 6938, Silverwater
New South Wales – 2128
Range Hours
Monday to Sunday – SISC Cecil Park (members only after calling).
Phone No.
0419 241 031
Directions to SISC:
Head along the M7 to Elizabeth Drive, Cecil Park
Directions to Anzac Range:
Via Google maps. (Search Horseshoe Range, Service Range & Alpine Club House)
- Head north towards the city along Anzac Parade, Malabar and turn right into Franklin Street.
- Continue past Pioneer Park and Wastewater Treatment Plant to the boom gate at the end of the paved road.
- The first right turn after the main gate is the road through the Service Range. Look for the red and white Alpine banner. (If the gate to this track is shut, this range is closed.)