Rifle and Pistol Disciplines
Alpine members participate in several shooting disciplines, including the club’s own PR5 rifle competition.

PR 5 is a hunting-inspired program designed to improve marksmanship to the highest level of precision. It stresses good technique, rifle control and timing.
While shooters with open sights often take part, the PR5 program is designed for scoped rifles. The Alpine PRC is a strong supporter of scoped rifle target shooting, which we believe is the future of our sport.
Distances in PR5 vary from 100m to 400m. Matches take 35 to 40 rounds and involve slow, rapid and snap fire from multiple positions. Scoring is done at the end of the match.
To achieve PR5 qualification at a given distance, you need to score more than 95 per cent.To take part in Alpine club hunts , you must score at least 140/175 at 100 metres.
Download formats/courses of fire for PR5 matches at 100, 200 and 300m here.
Alpine holds rimfire matches at 50m. These follow the same format as 100m PR5 but are shot on reduced targets.
Service Rifle competition is designed for iron-sighted bolt-action military rifles in calibres such as the British .303, .30-06 Springfield, .308 Winchester and 7.92 mm Mauser. Shooters with non-service bolt action rifles, using iron sights or scopes, may compete in Open Class.
Service Rifle matches use 4-foot-square yellow targets with a black aiming mark, and black-and-white moving targets. The scoring system is similar to the one for F Class. All shooters are expected to help mark the targets in the zeroing phase before each match.
Alpine members also shoot in Service Rifle competitions in the USA, using semi-automatic service rifles such as the AR-15.
Alpine is also a pistol target shooting club. If you would like to try pistol shooting with us or take part in our matches, you’ll find full details on the Pistol page. Please read carefully the section that applies to you. If you do not have a pistol licence, you should be aware that getting a pistol licence involves several more steps, and longer wait times, than getting a rifle licence. The steps for licensing are outlined in detail at the NSW Firearms Registry website. You are also welcome to email us about the licensing process and joining our club. All competitors must be thoroughly familiar with our Pistol Rules (pdf).